Property:Rootstock width A Text property defining a single value. Structure: rootstock Character: width A size property A subproperty of root A Type of root Types of rootstock width None. Parts of rootstock width None. Usage33previous 5,0002050100250500next 5,000FilterShowing 33 pages using this property.CCucumis anguria +thick +Cucumis anguria var. anguria +thick +Cucumis anguria var. longaculeatus +thick +Cucumis dipsaceus +thick +Cucumis melo +thick +Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis +thick +Cucumis melo subsp. melo +thick +Cucumis myriocarpus +thick +Cucumis sativus var. sativus +thick +EEuphorbia brachycera +thick +Euphorbia capitellata +thick +Euphorbia chamaesula +thick +Euphorbia lurida +thick +Euphorbia purpurea +thick +Euphorbia schizoloba +thick +Euphorbia serrata +thick +Euphorbia trichotoma +thick +Euphorbia yaquiana +thick +PPotentilla anglica +thick +Potentilla canadensis +thick +Potentilla erecta +thick +Potentilla reptans +thick +Potentilla sect. Potentilla +thick +Potentilla simplex +thick +RRumex acetosa +thin +Rumex lapponicus +thin +Rumex thyrsiflorus +thick +SSidalcea asprella +2mm;4mm +Sidalcea asprella subsp. asprella +4 +Sidalcea asprella subsp. nana +2mm;4mm +Sidalcea celata +thick +Sidalcea hendersonii +thick +Sidalcea setosa +thick + Category: Size